Friday, June 17, 2011

Sukandar Bupati Tebo Aksi Demo Berakhir Ricuh

Sukandar Bupati Tebo

Aksi Demo Berakhir Ricuh

Sukandar - Hamdi
TEBO - Hasil rapat pleno KPUD Kabupaten Tebo kemarin memutuskan bahwa Sukandar-Hamdi menjadi Bupati dan Wakil Bupati terpilih pada pemungutan suara ulang Pemilukada Tebo 5 Juni lalu.
Kendati hanya menang di lima kecamatan, namun kandidat nomor urut satu ini berhasil keluar sebagai pemenang mengalahkan kandidat nomor urut tiga Yopi Muthalib-Sri Sapto Eddy yang unggul di tujuh kecamatan. Suara daerah Rimbo benar-benar memecah suara aliran Sungai Batanghari yang didominasi oleh Yopi-Sapto.
Berdasarkan hasil rapat pleno KPUD Kabupaten Tebo kemarin, duet yang diusung Partai Golkar, PKS, PBR PBB, PDP, PNBK dan PPNUI ini memperoleh suara 78.754 atau 50,08 persen disusul Yopi-Sapto dengan perolehan suara 72.656 atau 46,21 persen sementara Ridham-Eko kalah jauh dan hanya memperoleh suara 5.836 atau 3,71 persen.
Dengan hasil pleno ini, Yopi-Sapto tak mampu mempertahankan kemenangannya pada putaran pertama 10 Maret lalu dan akhirnya dimenangkan oleh Suka-Hamdi.
‘‘Rapat pleno KPUD Tebo memutuskan bahwa pasangan Suka-Hamdi adalah pemenang pemungutan suara ulang Pemilukada Tebo,’‘ ujar Sahlan Arfan, ketua KPUD Tebo, sembari mengetuk palu tiga kali dalam rapat pleno kemarin.
Sahlan mengatakan ada space waktu tiga hari bagi kandidat yang tidak menerima keputusan rapat pleno tersebut untuk menggugat ke Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) RI di Jakarta. Namun jika dalam waktu tiga hari tersebut tidak ada yang mengajukan gugatan maka pasangan Suka-Hamdi akan segera dilantik menjadi Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Tebo periode 2011-2016.
‘‘Hasil pleno ini akan segera kita berikan ke MK dan bagi pasangan yang ingin menggugat silahkan saja tiga hari dari sekarang,’‘ imbuhnya.
Usai rapat pleno, Aslami, Saksi Yopi-Sapto, mengatakan bahwa dirinya tidak mau menandatangani hasil pleno tersebut. Ada beberapa alasan Aslami tak mau menandatangani hasil pleno itu, diantaranya berdasarkan temuan mereka ada praktik money politic yang dilakukan Suka-Hamdi sehingga kantong-kantong suara Yopi-Sapto bisa direbut oleh Suka-Hamdi.
Akhirnya di kantong-kantong suara Yopi-Sapto perolehan suaranya anjlok dibanding pada pemilihan putaran pertama 10 Maret lalu.
Selain itu menurut Aslami, alasan ia tak menandatangani pleno tersebut karena banyaknya kantong-kantong suara Yopi-Sapto yang tak mendapat undangan memilih pada pemungutan suara ulang ini. Juga mereka mempermasalahkan DPT yang berubah dari sebelumnya, sehingga memudahkan untuk melakukan eksodus suara.
‘‘Hampir 5 ribu suara Yopi-Sapto tak mendapatkan undangan dan tidak memilih. Kemudian kemenangan kita Yopi-Sapto dirampok dengan cara-cara tidak sehat, seperti di Kecamatan Sumay, Tebo Tengah dan lainnya. Kita kecewa dengan pemungutan suara ulang ini,’‘ ujar Aslami, kepada wartawan, kemarin.
Berbeda dengan Aslami, dua saksi lainnya dari kandidat nomor urut satu dan dua mengaku sudah sangat puas dengan pelaksanaan pemungutan suara ulang ini. M Toha, Saksi Nomor Urut dua Ridham-Eko, mengaku bahwa mereka sudah sangat puas dengan hasil rapat pleno tersebut.
Menurut Toha pelaksanaan pemungutan suara ulang ini sudah mendekati sempurna dan tidak ada kejanggalan-kejanggalan seperti pada putaran pertama lalu.
‘‘Kami melihat pelaksanaan pemungutan suara ulang ini sudah mendekati sempurna dan suda memuaskan. Tidak ada ditemukan kejanggalan-kejanggalan seperti pada putaran pertama kemarin. Kita sangat berterima kasih kepada KPUD Tebo yang sudah bekerja profesional,’‘ ujar M Toha, usai pleno kemarin.
Hal senada juga diungkapkan oleh Subhan Nazari, saksi nomor urut satu Suka-Hamdi. Menurutnya ia telah menandatangani hasil rapat pleno kemarin karena pemungutan suara ulang ini sudah terlaksana dengan baik.
‘‘Kita telah menandatangi hasil pleno ini. Dan Alhamdulillah, pasangan Suka-Hamdi menang. Kebenaran sudah terbukti, kemenangan ini adalah kemenangan rakyat Tebo,’‘ tukasnya.
Cabup terpilih Sukandar, dikonfirmasi usai pleno, mengatakan, pihaknya menilai KPUD Tebo sudah bekerja secara maksimal dalam melaksanakan tahapan pemilukada ulang, tidak ada kejanggalan seperti pemilukada pertama lalu.
‘’Kita puas dengan kinerja KPUD, KPUD sudah bekerja secara professional,’’ ujarnya ringkas.
Terkait gugatan pasangan calon Yopi-Sapto ke MK, Sukandar juga mengatakan,  dirinya sudah menyiapkan tim kuasa hukum.
 Di bagian lain, perolehan suara per kecamatan pasangan Yopi-Sapto mampu menguasai tujuh Kecamatan, sementara Suka-Hamdi hanya 5 Kecamatan dari 12 Kecamatan se-Kabupaten Tebo. Peta kemenangan pemungutan suara ulang ini, sama sekali tak berubah dengan perolehan suara pada 10 Maret lalu, dimana Yopi-Sapto unggul di tujuh Kecamatan yang sama pada pemungutan suara ulang ini. Pada putaran pertama lalu, Suka-Hamdi hanya unggul di lima Kecamatan, yakni Rimbo Bujang, Rimbo Ilir, Rimbo Ulu, Tengah Ilir dan Tebo Ilir dengan perolehan suara 74.436. Sementara Yopi-Sapto unggul di tujuh Kecamatan, yaitu VII Koto, VII Koto Ilir, Tebo Ulu, Serai Serumpun, Muara Tabir, Tebo Tengah dan Sumay dengan perolehan suara 77.157. Selisih suara pasangan Suka-Hamdi dan Yopi-Sapto pada putaran pertama sebanyak 2.721 atau 1,6 persen dimenangkan Yopi-Sapto.
Di bagian lain, pleno rekapitulasi hasil penghitungan suara yang berlangsung kemarin di kantor KPUD kabupaten Tebo diwarnai aksi Demo oleh massa pendukung pasangan Yopi-Sapto yang mengatasnamakan ‘‘Forum Komunikasi Tebo’‘.
Sekitar pukul 09.00 WIB massa mengepung kantor KPUD Tebo yang dijaga ketat oleh aparat kepolisian dengan personel lengkap berjumlah 800 personel. Aksi demo ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk penolakan pelaksanaan pleno yang digelar KPU yang dinilai penuh dengan kecurangan.
Bahkan demonstran menilai KPU sebagai penyelenggara pesta demokrasi itu telah menodai dan melanggar aturan yang telah ditetapkan.
Ratusan massa yang berdemo terus meneriakkan tuntutannya kemarin mencoba menerobos blokade polisi yang mengawal proses pelaksanaan pleno. Namun gagal, kemudian pendemo meneruskan aksinya dengan menggelar aksi turun kejalan membakar ban dan menarik kawat berduri yang dipasang oleh pihak kepolisian untuk memagari kantor KPU ditarik hingga melintangi jalan sebagai bentuk protes.
Tak lama kemudian demonstran berhasil menguasai jalan, memaksa jalan lintas Sumatera tepatnya di depan kantor KPUD Tebo lumpuh total. Tak berhenti disitu para demonstran terus berorasi didepan kantor KPUD Tebo kemarin sambil meneriakkan agar pelaksanaan pemungutan suara ulang 5 Juni diulang kembali oleh MK.  
Dalam orasinya para demonstran mempertanyakan, kebijakan KPU tentang pencoblosan yang dilaksanakan diluar jadwal yang ditetapkan yang terjadi di TPS II Tugu Rejo Desa Bedaro Rampak yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 Juni kemarin. Mereka juga mempertanyakan kinerja Panwaslu terhadap banyaknya pelanggaran yang tidak ditindak lanjuti, mempertanyakan dasar hukum perubahan DPT, meminta agar dugaan penggelembungan suara di setiap Kecamatan segera ditindak lanjuti, mengganggap pihak keamanan (Polisi-red) lamban dalam menindak lanjuti tindak pidana kriminal (Premanisme) yang terjadi selama pemilukada.
Selanjutnya Demonstran mendesak KPUD Tebo serta Panwaslu untuk membatalkan hasil pemungutan suara yang dilaksanakan 5 Juni kemarin karena mereka menilai sarat pelanggaran dan kecurangan, minta kepada Ketua KPUD Tebo Syahlan Arfan agar melaporkan adanya ancaman yang dialaminya sesuai pengakuan Syahlan pada rapat koordinasi.
Demo yang dimotori oleh Oktaviandi, Firdaus dan sejumlah mahasiswa tersebut terus melakukan aksi protes.
‘‘Kami datang untuk menuntut keadilan masyarakat Tebo menggugat meminta agar pleno KPUD Tebo ditunda dan meminta kepada Panwaslu Kabupaten Tebo menindak lanjuti temuan pelanggaran yang dilakukan.  Pemilukada saat ini sudah ternoda oleh oknum-oknum yang hanya mencari kepentingan, pihak kepolisian juga tidak netral,’‘ teriak demonstran.
Demonstran terus mendesak agar pihak KPUD Tebo mendengarkan aspirasi mereka dan melakukan mediasi dengan perwakilan demonstran dan meminta agar pihak kepolisian memfasilitasi permintaan mereka untuk menyampaikan tuntutan mereka ke KPUD Tebo. Jika permintaan mereka tidak dipenuhi demonstran mengancam akan mendobrak pintu pagar KPUD Tebo yang dijaga ketat oleh blokade polisi.
Akhirnya, sekitar pukul 11.00 WIB aparat dan demonstran menemui kata sepakat untuk melakukan musyawarah dengan pihak KPUD Tebo, Panwas dengan mengutus 8 perwakilan, terkait tuntutan mereka.
Tak puas hanya berteriak, demonstran pun memblokir jalan lintas Sumatera dan menarik kawat berduri yang dipasang oleh aparat kepolisian ditarik melintangi jalan dan lalu lintas pun lumpuh total. Demonstran yang terus bertambah membuat situasi kian memanas, kondisi tersebut membuat Jalan lintas Tebo-Bungo macet panjang.
Kondisi ini memaksa  aparat kepolisan mengalihkan jalan lintas Tebo-Bungo ke simpang Asoy tembusan jalan Padang Lamo  Desa Bedaro Rampak ke Simpang Jambi Tebo untuk menghindari macet lebih panjang. Namun kecilnya jalan tersebut membuat kendaraan yang melintas hanya bisa dilalui oleh kendaraan mobil pribadi dan kendaraan roda dua.
Sedangkan truk besar terpaksa harus parkir ditengah kemacetan. Demonstran terus bergerak dengan menggelar orasi dijalan depan Kantor KPUD kabupaten Tebo, mereka lagi-lagi meminta agar pleno KPU ditunda sebelum adanya kejelasan tentang tindak lanjut pihak panwaslu terhadap laporan pelanggaran yang terjadi selama proses pemilukada.
Tak lama kemudian kericuhan terjadi, demonstran mencoba kembali menerobos pintu masuk pagar KPUD namun berhasil digagalkan, demonstran akhirnya melempari pihak kepolisian dengan air mineral dan batu. Kericuhan memuncak, ketika aksi lempar batu berlanjut, pihak kepolisian terpaksa mengeluarkan tembakan peringatan.
Tembakan tersebut tidak berarti, lemparan demi lemparan terus terjadi. Dan akhirnya pihak kepolisian mengeluarkan tembakan berikutnya hingga tiga kali untuk membubarkan aksi anarkis tersebut, akhirnya demonstran bisa dikendalikan setelah salah seorang orator memberikan peringatan ke demonstran lainnya bahwa aksi mereka adalah aksi damai.

Taput-Tapsel rocked by an earthquake

Taput-Tapsel rocked by an earthquake

[Collapse: collapse Sarulla Building SMA after quake that struck the area yesterday Taput.]
Collapse: Building State High School after an earthquake collapsed Sarulla that hit the area yesterday Taput.MEDAN - An earthquake again menguncang region of Sumatra Island. Yesterday the four districts in North Tapanuli (Taput) and some areas of South Tapanuli (Tapsel) rocked by an earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale (SR).
As a result, hundreds of homes, building schools and houses of worship damaged. In fact, some homes collapsed.
Information obtained from BMKG, the earthquake struck twice. First, at around 7:08 pm a magnitude 5.5 SR Tarutung 30 km southeast direction with a depth of 10 km, the location of 99.13 north latitude (N), 99.13 east longitude (BT).
Then the second quake occurred at 10:01 o'clock location 22 km south-east Tarutung North latitude location 1.83 (LU), 99.07 east longitude (BT). Vibration felt strong enough in the four districts, Pahae Julu, Pahae Jae, Simangumban, and the Ancient Old. Tremor was also felt residents Tarutung Pahae 25 km from the region.
The information collected by this newspaper from the scene, hundreds of homes reported minor damage to severe damage. Location worst result of the earthquake shocks in the Village District Marsada Nahornop Pahae Jae.
In this village at least 30 units of houses were damaged. Generally, damage to the walls of their homes. Even in the village, at least 20 units of houses unfit for habitation again. For the construction of houses is quite alarming.
Residents whose homes are not habitable decided to sleep in tents erected in front of their house. The second worst affected village, Pangaloan, there are about 20 houses damaged. Currently, residents are still wary and fear the threat of aftershocks.
Mother Siburian (50) Hamlet District Gultom Pahae Jae tells the seconds of the earthquake.
Before the earthquake the first, he was in the house. Suddenly, the earthquake happened and he immediately ran to the outdoors. He was lucky, who fell to her closets hindered by the sewing machine, so she survived.
"Cupboard in the living room leads me upside down. Fortunately the fall restrained by a sewing machine, otherwise I could hit, "he explained.
In addition to the community house, the earthquake also damaged some schools in between two classrooms SMAN 1 Pahae Jae heavily damaged and Private High Schools Sarulla IPR. Meanwhile, a mosque in Aek Botik also reportedly damaged. While in the District Simangumban directly adjacent to Sipirok reported about 20 units of houses severely damaged and can no longer habitable. In the township, residents also set up a makeshift tent in front of their homes each to anticipate the occurrence of aftershocks.
The road also had cracked at some point to start from Pahae Julu Simangumban.
In fact, Tarutung-Sumatra highway kilometers Sipirok 28, precisely at the Village Sitoluama, was impassable because of the cliffs on the side of the vehicle left the road until it slides over the road. Dozens of two-wheeled vehicles and four of Tarutung to Sipirok and instead got stuck and could not pass jalinsum it for over an hour.
But it can be overcome thanks to mutual help concerned officials and some residents to get rid of piles of soil and fallen logs.
While in the District of Purba Old, reported dozens of houses and school buildings rusaki. Residents there hope that they get immediate assistance from local governments. "We expect the government to provide aid, because the house we can no longer be occupied," said S Sitompul Simangumban citizens.
Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary Taput Sanggam Hutagalung said, for temporary data, an estimated 160 homes were damaged. However Sanggam can not be sure exactly how that figure was heavily damaged and light.
In addition, some school buildings, houses of worship, and government offices were also damaged.
"Report of the Sub Simangumban said 15 homes were severely damaged, while in District Old Ancient estimated 50 homes were damaged. "The house and government offices in Pahae Jae Pahae Julu also expected to experience severe damage," said Sanggam.
Until Tuesday at approximately 20:00 pm, local governments have not received reports of casualties or injuries, as well as the amount of material losses caused by natural disasters this

The doings of The Supporter Ba'asyir readings during the trial verdict Yesterday Security Expires USD 40 Million, Only Find catapults

The doings of The Supporter Ba'asyir readings during the trial verdict YesterdaySecurity Expires USD 40 Million, Only Find catapults
[Disappointed: Supporters of Ba'asyir in the pages of South Jakarta District Court yesterday (pictured left). The sniper is alert during the trial.]
Disappointed: Supporters of Ba'asyir in the pages of South Jakarta District Court yesterday (pictured left). The sniper is alert during the trial.The trial of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir in the South Jakarta District Court has never deserted from the presence of his supporters. Most of them originate from Ansharut Jamaat Tawhid (JAT). Yesterday the more staunch supporter of Ba'asyir in attendance. Their tantrum during a trial making security officers fearful.
Dhimas-AGUNG G. P., Jakarta
Yesterday afternoon (16 / 6) Ana Lestari absolutely devastated. Repeatedly his right hand trying to wipe her tears with a tissue. She screamed when she heard the judge sentenced Abu Bakar Ba'asyir should be behind bars 15 years.
Not only is Ana a screaming hysterically. Next to the women of Chester, Tangerang, there were two women. A black veil and a green veil again. They also cried loudly. "Oh God, why be like that. Ustad not terrorists," Ana shouted as he fought back tears.
With sobs, veiled women are endlessly criticized the judge who sentenced to Ba'asyir. Several other veiled women say an oath that the court is not clean and full of human engineering. "Judges who hear Ustad Abu are those who have examined the Judicial Commission (KY) because it was clean when the judge Antasari (Antasari Azhar, a former chairman of the Commission, Red)," said the woman next to Ana.

The women were more upset because he felt the judge did not give the opportunity to Ba'asyir to speak. It was the voice of judges who heard through the speakers stated that it should only be amir JAT said the next legal step. "He (Bashir, Red) is old, were released even harmless," said Ana.

Not long ago, the most veiled women who are suddenly stood up and shouted Takbir many times. That happens when Ba'asyir said he would appeal. "We will never give up," shouted the women's advocates. They number less than 40 people. But, during the trial, their presence attracted the attention of a number of reporters covering. Understandably, they sat in the front row and often rekindle the spirit with the call of Takbir.

The presence of Ba'asyir's supporters did provide its own color in each trial. When membeludaknya the visitors yesterday, for example. At that time the proponents of the man who used to be called brother warned not to go near the women. "It is not mahram, do not go near woi!" shouted one of his brother.

Not only that. The way they provide support is also sometimes make others wonder. In court yesterday, supporters of a man outside the courtroom was suddenly doing push-ups ten times. It happened after the Abu Bilal as the field coordinator, said that their masses should stand. "So that they are ready," he said.

When the order came out of Abu Bilal, nobody can argue. Structured, they immediately set the line and take a position for push-ups. The heat of the weather does not make them hesitate to put a hand on the page that is warmed up due to sunburn.

In the field, as executor Akhwan Ustad Amir direct JAT berorasi so the verdict. As he haltingly and fighting back tears, she complained of discrimination against Muslims. According to him, appeal against the monotheistic propaganda voiced by Ba'asyir against the state are considered.

"I feel very confused and very disappointed. Why other religions are given ample room, but Muslims are barred, never even given equal proportion '" he said.

He added, Ba'asyir is someone actually true nationalist. He cares about people and the arena should be governed by Islamic. During this state is only seen from political spectacles. That has made corruption and social issues were never completed. "Although Ba'asyir in jail, our struggle will not end," he said.

Likewise, when adjournment. Proponents of man does not immediately leave the place as usual. They even trotted around the pages of South Jakarta District Court that the width is not much different from the basketball court. After three times around the military-style singing, they just got out the gate with the condition still trot.

Some of the slogans that they sing is Khaibar, Khaibar ya Yahud (threats against Jews) and the criticisms of the Special Detachment Detachment 88 as laknatullah. They also carried leaflets contain support for Bashir. Among others, the Indonesian Mujahidin, Exempt Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, no funny stuff.

Although proponents of the hearing yesterday was not to cause a riot, they always get the full attention of the authorities. The security guard was also fearful because there is among supporters of the mischievous and potentially disturb the atmosphere. "There is a carry slingshots and had been secured," said Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Kombespol Baharudin Djafar.

Potential riots also appear as a member of JAT usually not menolerasi the intruder. In fact, one journalist who local media have accused Jakarta police intelligence. "Squeeze the line. There is a dress like us, but nobody knew him," cried a veiled woman who did not want to be named.

Kombespol Baharudin Djafar conducive relief with the trial admitted yesterday. A total of 2886 personnel from the Jakarta Police and the South Jakarta Police Headquarters personnel plus 550 police and 395 soldiers are not useless lowered. "Had no word would appear the problem, but it was not true," he explained.

Furthermore, he explained, the trial of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir security budget takes up to Rp 40 million. Security budget each trial Ba'asyir was always in numbers ranging from recognition of that. "The fund is high because it always involves large numbers of personnel and armed,"

Terkait Dugaan Penyimpangan Dana Pramuka

Mantan Sekdaprov Diperiksa

Terkait Dugaan Penyimpangan Dana Pramuka

DIPERIKSA: Mantan Sekda Provinsi AM Firdaus diperiksa terkait kasus dugaan penyimpangan dana Pramuka di Kejati kemarin.
JAMBI - Mantan Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Provinsi Jambi AM Firdaus, kemarin (15/6) diperiksa di Kejaksaan Tinggi (Kejati) Jambi. Ketua Kwartir Daerah (Ka Kwarda) Pramuka Provinsi Jambi ini, diperiksa terkait laporan dugaan penyimpangan dana Kwarda Pramuka Provinsi Jambi.
Pantauan koran ini di Kejati Jambi kemarin, Firdaus menjalani pemeriksaan di salah satu ruang penyidik bagian Intelijen Kejati Jambi, mulai sekitar pukul 09.00 WIB. Sekitar pukul 12.30 WIB, ia tampak keluar dari ruang penyidik, bersama satu orang lainnya yang menurut informasi bernama Ridwan, staf bendahara Kwarda Pramuka Provinsi Jambi.
Walaupun tidak menghindar dari wartawan, namun Firdaus enggan untuk berkomentar mengenai pemanggilan dirinya kemarin. Kepada wartawan, ia menyarankan agar masalah pemanggilan dirinya kemarin dikonfirmasikan dengan penasehat hukum yang telah ditunjuk.
“No comment, tanya penasehat hukum saja. Kita sudah menunjuk penasehat hukum,” kata Firdaus.
Meski enggan untuk berkomentar banyak, namun Firdaus tidak menapik jika pemanggilan dirinya kemarin terkait dengan masalah dana Kwarda Pramuka Provinsi Jambi yang akhir-aknir ini ramai diberitakan sejumlah media. “Ya, penggilan terkait itu itu,” katanya singkat.
Kasi Penerangan Hukum dan Humas Kejati Jambi Andi Ashari, saat dikonfirmasi membenarkan adanya pemeriksaan terhadap AM Firdaus kemarin. “Ya, hari ini (kemarin, red) dimintai keterangan oleh penyidik, terkait laporan masalah dana Pramuka,” kata Andi.
Hanya saja ia belum bersedia untuk memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai pemeriksaan kemarin. Menurut Andi, pihaknya belum bisa membeberkan hasil pemeriksaan kemarin, karena pemeriksaan masih dalam tahap penyelidikan untuk mengumpulkan data.
“Kita belum bisa memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut, karena ini masih dalam tahap puldata. Lagi pula pemeriksaannya masih berlanjut. Tadi (sebelum istirahat, red), baru sekitar delapan pertanyaan yang diajukan, seputar kepengurusan beliau di Kwarda Pramuka Jambi, sejak tahun 2009 sampai sekarang,” jelas Andi.
            Sementara itu Pahrin Siregar, SH, penasehat hukum Kwarda Pramuka Provinsi Jambi, saat dikonfirmasi juga enggan untuk memberikan komentar mengenai pemanggilan Firdaus kemarin. Ia beralasan pemanggilan masih dalam tahap penyelidikan atau pengumpulan data.
            “Saat ini masih puldata, tidak etis saya menanggapinya,” kata Pahrin, kepada sejumlah wartawan kemarin.
            Selain itu, Pahrin juga belum bersedia memberikan komentar terkait pemeriksaan yang dilakukan oleh pihak Kejati Jambi, terkait laporan dugaan penyimpangan dana Kwarda Pramuka Jambi tersebut. Ia belum bersedia memberikan komentar apakah hal ini memang masuk ranah korupsi atau tidak.
            “Kita menghormati proses hukum yang dilakukan kejaksaan saat ini. Masalah masuk korupsi atau tidak, silakan kejaksaan yang menyimpulkannya,” pungkasnya.
            Sejauh ini, tim penyidik Kejati Jambi telah memintai keterangan sejumlah pihak, termasuk dari pihak Inspektorat Provinsi Jambi. Pihak Inspektorat yang telah dimintai keterangannya adalah Riko Febrianto, Inspektur II yang melakukan pemeriksaan terkait dugaan penyimpangan dana Pramuka tersebut.
Dari informasi yang di dapatkan koran ini, tim penyidik Kejati Jambi sebelumnya juga sudah memintai keterangan Sepdinal, yang merupakan bendahara Kwarda Pramuka Provinsi Jambi.

Ba’asyir Akan Dipindah ke Mako Brimob

Ba’asyir Akan Dipindah ke Mako Brimob

BAKAL DIPINDAH: Abu Bakar Ba’asyir
JAKARTA - Majelis hakim PN Jakarta Selatan sudah memvonis amir Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid Abu Bakar Ba’asyir 15 tahun penjara. Pimpinan Pondok Pesantrean Ngruki itu akan segera dipindah penahanannya dari rutan Bareskrim Polri ke rutan Salemba cabang Mako Brimob, Depok. Alasannya, pertimbangan keamanan.
“Dari Densus 88 sudah mengusulkan pada pihak pengadilan untuk memindah ustad ke Mako Brimob. Disana lebih nyaman dan aman," kata sumber Jawa Pos di lingkungan anti teror kepolisian kemarin (17/06). Korps burung hantu cukup khawatir jika Ba’asyir tetap di rutan Bareskrim Polri.
“Kita preventif saja. Ini demi kebaikan bersama," ujar perwira ini tanpa bersedia menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud pertimbangan keamanan. Apakah ada ancaman - "Ada, atau tidak, di mako Brimob itu lebih baik buat beliau dan juga buat kami," kelitnya.
Dikonfirmasi soal informasi ini,   Kepala Biro Penerangan Masyarakat (Karopenmas) Brigadir Jenderal (Brigjen) Pol Ketut Untung Yoga Ana membenarkan kemungkinan pemindahan. "tapi, lokasinya dimana belum final," kata Yoga.
Untuk memastikan tempat penahanan, polisi masih harus berkoordinasi dengan jaksa penuntut umum, dan hakim. Begitu Ba’asyir menyatakan banding, maka kewenangan penahanan berada di tangan Pengadilan Tinggi. "Tunggu koordinasi dengan hakim pengadilan," ujarnya.
      Terkait besuk pengunjung  terhadap Ba’asyir, kebijakannya ditentukan setelah penyidik berkoordinasi dengan pihak penuntut umum dan hakim pengadilan. Sebab, ujarnya, otoritas kewenangan penahanan bukan lagi di tangan penyidik Polri. "Itu ada pada otoritas pengadilan. Jadi kewenangan sepenuhnya ada pada pengadilan," ujarnya.
      Meski telah divonis, Ba’asyir masih berstatus terdakwa. Sebab, Ba’asyir dipastikan "mengajukan upaya hukum banding ke Pengadilan Tinggi. Sebagaimana diketahui, putusan yang diberikan majelis hakim yang dipimpin Herry Swantoro menjatuhkan hukuman lima belas tahun penjara. Ba’asyir pun tak terima dan langsung mengajukan banding.
      Sehari setelah vonis, Abu Bakar Ba’asyir menerima kunjungan keluarganya di rutan Bareskrim Polri. Istrinya, Ummi Aisyah Baradja, anaknya Abdurrohim dan beberapa kerabat dekat datang secara bersama-sama. Mereka juga membawakan makanan dan buah-buahan untuk Ba’asyir. 
      Putra Ba’asyir Abdurrohim menegaskan, secara hukum pihaknya terus melawan. Tapi, sceara personal, tidak ada dendam sedikitpun dalam hatinya. Apalagi, Ba’asyir tidak mengajarkan rasa dendam kepada anggota keluarganya.
"Kami dari keluarga oleh beliau (Ba’asyir) tidak diajarkan sama sekali dendam atau apapun," tegas Rohim saat membesuk Ba’asyir di tahanan Bareskrim Polri kemarin.
      Pria yang akrab dipanggil Iim itu meyakini bahwa apa yang tengah menimpa Ba’asyir adalah bagian dari lembaran suratan takdir Allah. "Karena saya yakin, apapun yang terjadi pada beliau, apapun yang diputuskan hakim, baik bebas atau tidak bebas, itu sudah ketentuan Allah SWT. Kami meyakini itu. Ini bagian dari takdir,”katanya.
      Bagi Iim, putusan hakim kepada Ba’asyir adalah sebuah pendzoliman. Sebab, putusan hakim tidak mempertimbangan masukan-masukan tim kuasa hukum, khususnya penghadiran, Khairul Ghazali, saksi kunci sekaligus tersangka perampokan Bank CIMB Medan.
      "Kami melihat ini sebagai pendzoliman dan kita akan trus melawan itu. Itu kewajiban kita sebagai muslim. Orang Islam itu tidak akan ridho atas kemungkaran apapun, dan ini bentuk kemungkaran. Jadi, bukan masalah dendam, dendam, mentang-mentang beliau adalah bapak saya. Bukan," katanya.
      Abdurrohim menegaskan, tujuan organisasi JAT yang dipimpin ayahnya adalah memberi pemahaman dan mengajak umat Islam untuk kembali ke Syariah Islam, tanpa kekerasan. "Tidak mungkin memahamkan umat Islam dengan cara angkat senjata. Bagaimana memajukan umat Islam dengan angkat senjata. Pasti kami detang dengan cara mengajarkan Islam, bukan dengan hal-hal seperti itu,”katanya.
      Menurut Iim, dalam proses sidang ayahnya tidak ada fakta dan bukti bahwa yang terlibat pelatihan militer di Aceh adalah anggota JAT. Kalaupun ada mantan anggota JAT, lanjut Abdurrohim, tidak serta merta mendiskreditkan JAT.
       "Untuk anggota yang terlibat di sana itu sudah keluar. Keterlibatan oknum, tidak bisa disalahkan ke organisasinya. Kalau kita punya pandangan seperti , saya kira Polri ini yang pertama harus dibubarkan, karena terlalu banyaknya oknum yang melakuan kesalahan. Jadi, tidak bisa ada pandangan seperti itu,”tegasnya.
      Di bagian lain Mahkamah Agung meminta semua pihak mengikuti proses hukum secara bertahap. Jika banding dilakukan, itu adalah hak terdakwa. Namun, Ketua MA Harifin A Tumpa menanggapi dingin rencana kubu Ba?asyir mengadu ke Komisi Yudisial (KY) tentang perilaku hakim yang menyidangnya. Kalau KY merespon dan melakukan pemeriksaan seperti kasus Antasari Azhar, pihaknya tampak keberatan. "Kalau mau dilanjutkan silahkan supaya sistem peradilan jadi kacau," ujarnya.

KPK arrests Sesmenpora Reconstruction

KPK arrests Sesmenpora Reconstruction

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continued to explore the bribery case Pensions project Palembang 2011 SEA Games Athletes who dragged Sesmenpora Wafid Muharam as a suspect. Yesterday, (17 / 6) anti-corruption agencies were held at several places for reconstruction-related events such bribery.
KPK spokesman Johan Budi said the reconstruction was held in four separate places. Ie, in the office of PT Duta Graha Indah Kebayoran, South Jakarta, PT Son District, located at Wisma Permai Warung Buncit South Jakarta, the Office of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Arkadia restaurant located in Senayan.
According to Johan, the reconstruction was carried out since 0900 by the KPK investigators. Even apart Wafid, two other suspects namely Rosalina Manulang Mindo, El Idris Muhammad also presented in the reconstruction. "Reconstruction was to describe describe the capture of three suspects," said Johan at his office yesterday.
In addition, the reconstruction was to illustrate how the search process conducted by KPK investigators to obtain evidence related to bribery. Java Post Beradarkan monitoring the reconstruction process in the office following the Kemenpora, the reconstruction is running about 45 minutes.
The journalists were scrambling to perpetuate the image reconstruction starting from their arrival, and then they waited in the lobby of the third floor in front of the room Wafid and others. Even have a stampede occurred at a place that is relatively narrow.

"About 32 scenes," said the KPK officials who yesterday took part in these reskonstruksi. The scene is a total of four sites used for the reconstruction process.

Yet it seemed, the scene taken in the reconstruction in the office was cendenrung kemenpora very short if compared with what happened at that time and recorded by closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV).
Based on observations Java Post from CCTV footage obtained from a source, Rosalina came at the Office Kemenpora at 17:42. Women who claimed to have become Marketing Director of PT Children's Affairs was coming through the back gate. He captured the image out of the car Alpard white. At that time he was carrying a small bag of tangannganya.

Shortly after coming, Rosalina immediately met with Idris, who is a senior PT Duta Graha Indonesia (DGI). He went straight up to the third floor room where Wafid Muharam. Both then waited and sat on the couch next elevator.

Well at about 17:58 Rosalina walks into the room which was known as a private lounge for guests Sesmenpora. He left Idris, who was still sitting on the couch. But soon, Idris also immediately followed into the room.

After meeting several hours with Wafid, Rosalina and Idris out at around 18:55. When out through the back door, they immediately arrested the two officers who had menyanggongnya KPK. Both were then examined by the KPK penyidika on the third floor. Several other investigators went straight into the room Wafid. At about 22:40, three dikeler out to take to the KPK building to undergo further tests.

Kasus Suap Cek Perjalanan Pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior BI

Antony Zeidra Divonis 16 Bulan

Kasus Suap Cek Perjalanan Pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior BI

Antony Zeidra Abidin (Mantan Wakil Gubernur Jambi).
JAKARTA - Antony Zeidra Abidin (AZA), mantan Wagub Jambi kemarin divonis 16 bulan penjara oleh Hakim Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor).
Vonis 1 tahun 4 bulan serta denda Rp 50 juta subsider tiga bulan penjara ini dijatuhkan terhadap politisi Partai Golkar, karena terlibat kasus suap cek perjalanan pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia Miranda Goeltom.
Hukuman yang dijatuhkan terhadap AZA ini lebih ringan dari tuntutan Jaksa Penuntut Umum yakni 2,6 tahun.
Selain Antony Zeidra Abidin, hakim Tipikor juga memvonis Paskah Suzetta, Ahmad Hafiz Zawawi, Martin Bria Seran dan Boby Suhardiman.
Khusus untuk Paskah yang juga mantan anggota Komisi IX DPR periode 2004-2009 serta mantan Menteri Negara Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional divonis lebih ringan dari jaksa penuntut umum (JPU) yang menuntut agar majelis mengganjar dengan hukuman 2,5 tahun penjara. “Terdakwa terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melanggar Pasal 11 Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi, yaitu menerima imbalan terkait pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia 2004,” ucap ketua majelis hakim Suwidya saat membacakan surat putusan kemarin (17/6).
Majelis hakim menganggap bahwa para terdakwa kurang berhati-hati saat menjalankan tugasnya sebagai anggota DPR sampai-sampai menerima cek perjalanan yang dimaksudkan sebagai pelicin dalam pemenangan Miranda sebagai DGS BI.
Hal itu, kata Suwidya telah mencoreng citra penyelenggara negara. Khususnya citra DPR RI. Nah, hal itulah yang digunakan majelis hakim sebagai pertimbangan yang memberatkan para terdakwa.
            “Hal-hal yang meringankan, terdakwa bersikap sopan dan kooperatif serta telah menyesali perbuatannya,”tutur Suwidya.
Selain itu terdakwa juga dinilai tidak terbukti menikmati hasil imbalan yang diterima dan telah lama mengabdi kepada negara.
            Setelah mendengar vonis hakim, Paskah, Ahmad dan Marthin menyatakan pikir-pikir dalam apakah akan mengajukan banding atau tidak. Sedangkan Bobby dan Anthony mengaku menerima vonis hakim tersebut. Selain Paksah Cs, kemarin para politisi Partai Golkar yang lain juga menjalani sidang vonis di Pengadilan Tipikor dalam kasus yang sama. Mereka adalah Asep Ruchimat, TM Nurlif, Baharudin Aritonang, Reza Kamarullah dan Hengky Baramuli.
Majelis hakim yang dipimpin oleh Eka Budi menghukum mereka dengan hukuman 16 bulan penjara sekaligus denda Rp 50 juta subsider tiga bulan penjara.

Solar queue Concern Late Fuel Supply

Solar queue ConcernLate Fuel Supply
[Queue Fuel: Some trucks seem to queue to get fuel at the pump in some city of Jambi yesterday. ]
Fuel line up: Some trucks seem to queue to get fuel at the pump in some city of Jambi yesterday.JAMBI - diesel line at several General Fuel Filling Station (gas station) yesterday entered an alarming stage.
Yesterday morning, almost all gas stations in the region occurred queue Pattimura road trucks and buses and other vehicles that use diesel fuel. The line lasted until noon the day before Friday prayers. Lukman, a truck driver who met this day to justify diesel is already difficult to obtain.
"Usually do not like this very long queue. Just now I asked, he said rather than rare, but because the supply of fuel that goes a little too late. Hence, it is hard to get the fuel right now. Once described mbaknya last time I asked, "he said.
As a result of the incident, he admitted a little annoyed, because they have to wait their turn to fill the queue to get fuel.
"Usually the line is rare and occurs types of premium fuel only. If Solar queue usually never happens, "he said.
Meanwhile, Olan, Supervisor Pattimura gas stations in the area mentioned, it is true that the line at the pump. This is due to fuel supplies sent Pertamina is often too late to enter.

"In addition to the oil delivery is often late, the stock given to us also still like the old one. Whereas demand from consumers continues to grow, but we should not ask for more because supply is rationed, "he said briefly.

In addition, he revealed, the supply of premium sent by Pertamina to the pump in a day is uncertain. Sometimes the gas station to get a supply of 16 tons per day is equal to 16,000 liters.
"But sometimes we also can supply up to 22 tons per day. However, it is also not sufficient to meet demand from consumers, although its supplies come every day, "he said.
Suharto, head of Pertamina Depot UPTDN II Jambi when this newspaper confirmed yesterday refused to say the supply of fuel for the city of Jambi less. According to him, even the existing stock in the depot and abundant enough to meet the fuel needs of citizens of Edinburgh.

Asked whether the reduced rations to Edinburgh, so the community itself also becomes difficult to get fuel, he refused to say so. According to him, there is no reduction at all retail outlets for even the rations for the city of Jambi.

"There is no reduction in fuel ration for the City of Edinburgh let alone rare. Instead, the existing stock of diesel fuel in our tank was excessive if it will be supplied for the City of Edinburgh, "he said.

However it sets, diesel there is supplied to the industry. "But it does not interfere with the loot. Ration remains the same as usual, "he said.

Asked, how much stock of fuel for the City of Edinburgh are available at the Pertamina depot, said that there is excess stock. Even to the point for this kind of premium, no longer able to be accommodated in the tank is already available.

"In fact we have a tank that was not able to accommodate diesel. In fact our solar excess, "he said.

He explained, for the type of diesel fuel, currently existing stock at the Pertamina depot in Edinburgh amounted to 7800 tons. And it said was excessive for the stock of the city of Jambi. As for the type of premium, the current number reached 3300 tonnes in the tank's capacity reaches 5500 tons depot.
"In fact, if the supply comes again this afternoon, the possibility of the tank we can no longer afford to hold them. If for Pertamax we are still supplied from Palembang. Anyway we are certainly enough stock and all that we have a full tank of all, "he said.
From observation of this paper at several gas stations in Sarolangun, such as at gas stations and retail outlets Tanjung Rambai Bernai, a queue of vehicles that need fuel type Solar every day always occurs.
Long lines often occur between 14:00 to 19:00. This is due to fuel oil (BBM) type for the Solar Sarolangun often broken. Every day an average consumer needs more than 20 thousand liters. While the supply of fuel each day only 1600 liters. Even the vans fuel often do not fit in two days.
Of districts reported queues at filling stations Muarojambi there are not so visible. In fact, everything is running normally.
"The queues for diesel cars crowded but no spikes like on a regular day," said one trucker Tanto when met at the pump yesterday.
From Merangin also reported, control of fuel in some retail outlets in the District Merangin positive impact. Long lines are no longer adorn every gas station in District Merangin. From observation of this newspaper yesterday, since guarded by police, military and Satpol PP, filling fuel at every gas station looks smooth.

Only stocks of premium gasoline and diesel fuel supplies are not sufficient for the District Merangin. The reason is, not until the afternoon of fuel in some retail outlets in the District Merangin looks exhausted.
Unlike the fuel type of premium persediannya not up and down, the users of diesel fuel in the Kerinci and Sungaipenuh, able to laugh with relief every day. Because the stock of diesel in these two regions have never experienced shortages.
"So far, we seldom trouble finding diesel fuel types, the supply of diesel fuel into the pump balanced by the number of its consumer," said Mulyono (47), one of the vegetable truck driver kepda this diary yesterday.
Koto Lebu pump head, Zulpardi, as confirmed by this newspaper said, diesel supplies at the pump yag manages never complained of by customers, although only 5 tanks per week, but because users of fuel typesonly a minority of diesel fuel, making the need for diesel fuel in two regions met.
"Thank God diesel is always enough stock, perhaps because few buyers," said Zulpardi.Although the fuel supply remains normal in Bungo district, but until now the long queues of vehicles continues to occur in all filling stations in the city of Bungo.
Long lines of vehicles at gas stations in Bungo district is already happening almost two weeks. Scarcity alone is not caused by restriction of the gas station purchases, but is still a lack of supply from Pertamina depot.
From Bunge also reported, monitoring Bute Express (Edinburgh Express Group), during the past week, at two stations in the city of Muara Bungo deed II ie gas stations and retail outlets Cadika Bangko direction, long lines occur in the morning until 10 pm. As a result, not until noon, Cadika gas stations have run out of stock.
Parties to the pump through the charging officer said, the queue of vehicles was not due to reduced stocks of fuel. But due to hectic vehicles coming to fill the fuel.
"The supply of our fuel is normal, just like any other day. But the queue of vehicles still on the case, "he who does not want his name dikorankan.Head of Trade of Industry, SMEs and Cooperatives (Diskoperidag) Bunge, Eko Wijakso confirmed revealing, occurrence of a long queue of vehicles at the pump lately not because of the reduced stock of fuel into the Bungo district.
"The line occurs because the psychology of people who are afraid not miss out of fuel. Though the incoming stock is normal, "said Eko told reporters.
This is evident based on daily monitoring of this yesterday on Friday (17 / 6).
From Batanghari reported, at some gas stations are located in the District Muarabulian, namely gas stations and retail outlets River Tubes New Markets seemingly only board that reads "sorry petrol runs out". And if there is any petrol queues dozens of vehicles can not avoid, especially in a long queue of cars

Inspectorate as Intern Supervisors (2)

Inspectorate as Intern Supervisors (2) By: Helmi
[Governor of Jambi Province, HBA]
Governor of Jambi Province, HBA In the Governor Regulation (gubernatorial) Jambi No. 31 Year 2008 regarding the Duty and its Function Description Unit of the Organization At Inspectorate, and the Regional Technical Institute Bappeda Jambi Province, as amended by No. Pergub. 4 In 2011, the Inspectorate has the task to supervise the implementation of government affairs in the Province, the implementation guidance for the organization of Local Government, district / city and execution of government affairs at the Regency / Municipality (Article 2).
Article 3 Pergub above states, the Leader has the Inspector Inspector has the task to implement the provisions referred to in Article 2, to lead and coordinate all activities of the Secretariat, Assistant Superintendent and Functional Group.
Regarding the Secretariat on Article 4 states (1) The Secretariat has the task to prepare materials and provide oversight of coordination and functional administrarif services to all elements within the Provincial Inspectorate (2) To carry out the tasks as in paragraph (1).
The function of the secretariat is the first, prepare materials and plan the coordination and control of surveillance work program. Second, collect, manage, rate and save report results of surveillance apparatus, the Regional Functional supervision. Third, compile the data material in order functional technical coaching. Fourth, organize, and coordinate the inventory data in order stylists company complaint handling process. Fifth, conduct affairs personnel, finance, suratmenyurat and households.
As the agency's internal watchdog (extension task local leaders), the results of surveillance in Jambi Province Inspectorate shall be submitted to regional leaders, the Governor of Jambi. Inspector as a leader to submit a report with recommendations of monitoring follow-up with evidence.
In carrying out internal supervision duties, the Inspectorate should comply with the code of conduct as auditor. Code of ethics is the norm for the behavior of the internal watchdog officials not to deviate to the interests of the leadership in realizing good governance. That is, an Inspector in the framework of internal control should be, first, be careful to use and maintain all information relating to the examination.
Second, do not use the information obtained for personal or group interests. Third, should not be doing things that give rise to conflicts of interest. Fourth, independent and objective in performing the task.
Some examples of the above cases, seen from the main tasks and functions of the Inspectorate as an internal watchdog of government activities in the provinces of Jambi and Inspector, as leader of the Inspectorate can be said to have been wrong to use power (abuse of power). The reason, the Superintendent has presented the results to the public before the first report (written) examination results to the Governor.
Second, although the inspectorate can perform exposure (exposure) results of the report, does not mean all of the cases examined can be exposed to mass media (although it has not been checked or not checked at all).
Third, the most densely populated and already examined the case of public consumption, but its substance is not the authority of the Inspectorate of Jambi Province. Fourth, the action presents the results of the examination to the public let alone the scope of authority is not party to attack a certain impression that "unwelcome". In fact, PP. 60 In 2008, regulations and internal control Pergub done for the benefit of regional leaders (in this case the Governor) to realize good governance. Examination results are not to be excessive public consumption.
Based on the above, should the Governor of Jambi enforce norms of supervision in accordance with the code of conduct Governance Internal Control System (SPIP) and the main tasks, function (Auth) Inspectorate as an internal government watchdog. Otherwise, it will cause unrest in society and disrupt the running of the government in the province of Jambi. The first result, the implementation of good governance and development difficult to achieve. Second, more importantly Jambi GOLD threatened to be achieved precisely with the behavior of government officials who tend to violate tupoksinya. (*)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

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Harold Camping

Harold Camping
Search results. Harold camping now says end is coming oct 21 while president obama and the rest of the nation spent memorial day paying tribute to american veterans, doomsday preacher harold camping predicted monday that. Harold camping: the man behind judgment day, may 21, 2011 (video) man, is this guy shameless or what three days after he falsely predicted the end of the world for the second time, harold camping now says he was off again but. Whoops harold camping says world will actually end october 21 alameda, calif - the day after his prediction that the world would end on may 21, 2011 failed to materialize, harold camping told the san francisco. Harold camping: dead bodies will surface from graves on oct 21 max read harold camping, the radio host who predicted the world would end on saturday, made his first post-non-apocalypse public appearance on his radio show.
Harold camping : family radio - religious cults, sects and movements the end is still near, radio preacher harold camping said in a broadcast monday night, but the world will be around until oct 21 camping, the 89-year-old. Harold camping when saturday came and went as uneventfully as any other saturday in memory, harold camping the 89-year-old christian-radio broadcaster who has. Rapture prophet harold camping says he had a really tough weekend harold camping, who announced the rapture would occur saturday, has had another revelation: the world will now end on october 21 camping says god held off saturday. Harold camping insists that judgment day did actually happen on harold camping, the california preacher who via his multimillion-dollar christian family radio stations had convinced a few thousand followers that the.
Harold camping harold camping said it had dawned on him that god would spare humanity hell on earth for five months , and the apocalypse would happen on 21 october the. Harold camping - sourcewatch it has been a really tough weekend, 89-year-old radio preacher harold camping told the san francisco chronicle on sunday he s flabbergasted that the. Harold camping breaks silence, predicts october 21 doomsday an unapologetic harold camping made a new prediction monday: the rapture is actually on oct 21, not may 21 as he originally proclaimed camping offered no sincere. Judgment day predictor harold camping speaks out (live blog) harold camping: the man behind judgment day, may 21, 2011 (video). Bing: harold camping harold camping is an elderly christian radio broadcaster who is president of family radio, a california-based radio station network that broadcasts religious.

Hangover 2

Hangover 2
I think most of us assumed the hangover 2 wouldn t merit the hype or approach the hilarity of the first one and most of us assumed correctly this isn t a bad. The hangover 2 the latest news on hangover 2, from thousands of sources worldwide high-quality photos, articles, blog posts, quotes, and more. Hangover 2 stomps kung fu panda 2 , but are these films the headlines you will see today will reflect that a federal court judge ruled that warner brothers hangover 2 will debut on thursday, thanks to denying. Divasoulsista: movie review: the hangover 2 just when you were starting to sober up after the hangover along comes the hangover part ii --a deft dose of hair of the dog that will keep fans of the original. Hangover 2 - news, photos, topics, and quotes the bangkok weather ain t the only thing that s hot in the hangover 2.
Bing: hangover 2 it was a weekend of sequels (which is quite indicative of what is to come during this summer s movie season record number of franchise follow-ups) at the box office. Hangover 2 inch by inch - good morning america twenty three-year-old man named alex, works hard to lose almost half his body weight. The hangover 2 trailer: yanked from theaters new danzig stories, the mother chick, hangover 2 soundtrack news danzig s angry encounter with a bookstore that didn t have true crime, the mother chick s workout video. New danzig stories, the mother chick, hangover 2 soundtrack news so, the day is finally here the hangover 2 is finally out my opinion i loved it, it s just as good as the first, if not better, its really all opinion.
hangover 2 tattoo battle not over just yet well, that certainly didn t take long mere days after it was announced mel gibson would be joining the cast of the hangover 2, tmz is reporting he s. Mel gibson cut from the hangover 2 hangover 2 gave fame to tyson s tattoo and now somebody wants to sue. Hangover 2 - yay or nay - mit hangover 2 liefert regisseur todd phillips die fortsetzung zum u erst erfolgreichen hangover , der 2009 den rekord als umsatzst rkste nicht. The hangover 2 (2011) movie trailer, review, photos, video clips i ll never forget june, 2009 the reason for it is because as i prepped for a trip to anaheim for work at a conference that would last for about three weeks, the. Review: hangover 2 still holds its comedy grip - the hangover 2 soundtrack in 2009 todd philips guy pal comedy the hangover took a worldwide gross of over $467million put that into perspective: scorsese s.

Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony
Day 8 of the casey anthony murder trial it was all about the lies day 8 in the casey anthony murder trial has come to a close and it was all about the lies. Casey and caylee anthony in session: - blogs criminal defense this morning i began to write a post on the casey anthony trial i started writing about my disgust over the media coverage. Testimony: casey anthony partied while girl was missing casey anthony, 25, is charged with first-degree murder in the 2008 death of her daughter caylee prosecutors said caylee died from three pieces of duct tape. Casey anthony baez: how in the world can a mother wait 30 days before ever reporting her daughter missing baez asked in open court it s insane. Casey anthony niecey456 s weblog search results.
Casey anthony trial today nearly three years after the murder of 2-year-old caylee anthony, her mother s day in court has finally arrived the highly anticipated murder trial against casey. Casey anthony - caylee anthony - missing persons - crime and prosecutor burdick want to seek permission to consult with computer expert on not on list consultant needs access to witness list as to prevent witness contact with. Casey anthony the court will commence hearing on the casey anthony case on friday, december 11 the casey s parents have been summoned to make statement in the court, fox. Casey anthony casey anthony news see the latest headlines on casey anthony from aol news videos, photos & casey anthony pictures on all of the latest news from the us & around the.
Casey anthony: disturbed females fascinate movie fans casey anthony the jury meets science blogger news network (blog) his two answers surprised me: jurors now expect and even demand scientific evidence ever. Casey anthony denny hamlin venceu, neste domingo (22), pela quarta vez na temporada da nascar sprint cup no entanto, o ovate de homestead, em miami, ficou pequeno para a festa do. Casey anthony dr lillian glass body language blog casey anthony - coverage of caylee anthony trial plus child abuse news from all across the country. Casey anthony facebook months before caylee anthony disappeared in 2008, someone logged into the family computer and searched the internet for the word chloroform according to detective. Casey anthony trial today: george anthony on the stand on the fourth day of jury selection for the florida v casey anthony murder trial, potential juror no 1 may have captured public sentiment best he said he.

E3 2011

E3 2011
Tune in to the playstation e3 2011 press conference for showcase on ngp, the new gaming platform by playstation watch out for amazing new games, hardware, and trailers. Konami video game, e3 2011: press conference hd video clip watch the konami e3 2011: press conference hd online at post comments online about konami on the game trailers website. E3: 30 minutes to give all of my love to e3 2011 all the latest e3 news, previews and videos register for a free account to gain full access to the vgchartz network and join our thriving community. E3 2011 preview: nintendo - gamrfeed e3 2011: prepare yourself for nintendo s big show e3 is almost here are you ready june 3, 2011 june 3, 2011 june 3, 2011. Square enix announces e3 2011 showings want to catch all the latest nintendo 3ds news during e3 2011 on june 7th 2011 at about 9am pdt nintendo will be holding their annual press conference (or.
The biggest rumors of e3 2011 last year, my video producer andy and i made video about trying to make the most of the last 45 minutes of e3 we didn t plan on doing another video like that this. E3 2011: microsoft xbox press conference guide search results. Youtube - halo 4 e3 2011 debut trailer hd wow xbox 360 fans have a lot to be excited about, as the microsoft press conference blew the lid off of a number of exciting exclusives as well as an all new. E3 2011: prepare yourself for nintendo s big show - ds feature at ign the original space marines are taking it back e3 2011: warhammer 40,000: space marine trailer the original space marines are taking it back.
E3 2011: wwe 12 rises - playstation 3 preview at ign halo 4 e3 2011 debut trailer hd developer: 343 industries release: tba genre: fps platform: x360 publisher: x360 follow machinima on twitter machinima. E3, e3 2011 - conferences, previews, news, trailers and more from e3 - 2011, videogame news, reviews, previews, videos, forums and more. E3 - 2011 incgamers e3 2011: wwe 12 rises smackdown vs raw is dead, and thq s fixing the stuff you complain about may 31, 2011 may 31, 2011 may 31, 2011. Playstation at e3 :join playstation e3 2011 press conference for gamepro news: the biggest rumors of e3 2011 the biggest rumors of e3 2011 we have plenty of hard facts, but the biggest fun of e3 is trying to figure out what. E3 2011: so is the wii finished bloodscoop ripten e3 2011: so is the wii finished is the wii finished shigeru miyamoto says skyward sword might be one of the last titles nintendo develops for the.

Huma Abedin

Huma Abedin
Rep anthony weiner has six babes on the internet - and one more on the way thomas m defrank and i report: weiner s wife huma abedin is expecting the couple s first. Huma abedin relationship map - muckety there are many peculiar aspects of the anthony weiner uproar take for instance anthony s hairless pectoral picture with the family photos in the background weiner. Aide huma abedin, hillary clinton lesbian love affair rumors explode facts and figures about huma abedin, taken from freebase, the world s database. Huma abedin tag - politics daily - politics news, elections trips by huma abedin americanradioworks total cost of 29 trips: $49,870 97 trips traveled under the office of hillary clinton destination: aspen, co. Jenny sanford, wife of cheating ex-governor to huma abedin: stay posts tagged huma abedin at politics news, elections coverage, political analysis and opinion.
Huma abedin facts - read the latest scottsdale huma abedin news and view scottsdale huma abedin pictures from our team of local insiders. Huma abedin - big government search results. Is huma abedin an agent of saudi intelligence new york (lalate) - photos the huma abedin (pictures below) anthony weiner wedding is today huma abedin has been referred to by former president bill. Huma abedin photos the daily news headlines: huma abedin is notably absent from husband anthony weiner s tearful sexting confession huma abedin wasn t standing by her man.
Althouse: where s huma abedin what should she do  the wife of the disgraced former south carolina governor told exclusively that anthony weiner s wife needs to look out for herself her. Althouse: where s huma abedin what should she do huma abedin, why are you standing by a man who isn t worthy to kiss your classy feet ditch the dirty-sexting jerk any wife would feel like she was kicked. Hartford huma abedin articles, hartford huma abedin news the daily news headlines: huma abedin is notably absent from husband anthony weiner s tearful sexting confession huma abedin wasn t standing by her man. Scottsdale huma abedin articles, scottsdale huma abedin news riaz haq writes this blog to provide information, express his opinions and make comments on wide ranging topics the subjects include personal activities, education. Huma abedin, the forgotten weiner egotastic muckety has no direct connection to most of the people or organizations listed on these pages we are unable to forward personal messages or provide personal contact.

Les Paul

Les Paul
Listen and find out more about les paul at pandora is the internet radio service that helps you find new music based on your old and current favorites. Rockin the riffs on the google les paul tribute official gibson site: buy the gibson usa les paul studio guitar get electric guitar info, pictures, videos and the latest news from gibson usa. Epiphone les paul guitar - guitars/bass - compare prices, reviews information on the gibson les paul electric guitars les paul created one of the first ever electric guitars in the 1940 s hollowbody guitars where amplified but. Les paul guitars - celebrity rock star guitars home page - ed news about les paul commentary and archival information about les paul from the new york times. Epiphone les paul special ii electric guitar and more solid body gibson les paul guitar - 330 results like the gibson les paul studio electric guitar satin ebony chrome hardware, gibson custom limited edition les paul custom.
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Wii U

Wii U
Nintendo introduces the wii u to the audience at the e3 conference today (credit: sarah tew/cnet). Nintendo lifts lid on wii u for 2012 - yahoo news read nintendo lifts lid on wiiu for 2012 on yahoo news los angeles (reuters) - nintendo announced a new videogame console called the wiiu that plays high-definition. Nintendo s wii u is flashy--but its competitors may nintendo s satoru iwata admitted that the wii u reveal could have been better, but admitted that it won t come cheap when it arrives next year friday nintendo s. Wii u forum at e3 and in japan, there s disagreement over whether the wii u, nintendo s new console, will change gaming forever or completely flop with many months, and likely. Nintendo lifts lid on wiiu for 2012 - yahoo news nintendo wants to give gamers a new window into their game worlds more specifically, a 6 2-inch window that they can hold in their hands the game giant today.
Wii u labor power report, issue 4, may 1, 2011 may day commemoration presented by the workers international industrial union (wiiu) wiiu does not commemorate this day. Wii u shows its muscle, appeal: review los angeles nintendo announced a new videogame console called the wii u that plays high-definition graphics and features a 6 2-inch touchscreen on its. E3 2011: nintendo wii u delights gamers, scares we like the nintendo wii u s novel premise, we really do half embracing the new touchscreen tablet paradigm while at the same time mixing in huge motion-sensing. E3 2011 nintendo wii u: inside and out wii u forum - forums dedicated to the new nintendo wii u console.
In-game - hands on with nintendo s wii u search results. E3: nintendo s new console is the wii u (updated) speculation ranged from project caf to simply nintendo, but it turns out that nintendo s new system will be called wii u. Nintendo unveils the wii u (live blog) new nintendo console all about the controller wii u kickstarts next generation of gaming by chris nuttall in san francisco. Nintendo announces the wii u, a unique controller/console combo los angeles -- nintendo s press conference has started with a full orchestra performing the zelda music while a video showing the evolution of the game. Ps3+psvita wii u today, nintendo finally revealed the successor to its blockbuster home console system the wii, the curiously titled wii u the console itself looks like a.

Richard Scarry

Richard Scarry
Richard mcclure scarry (june 5, 1919 april 30, 1994) - last name pronounced / sk ri/, rhyming with marry - was an enormously popular american children s author and. Richard scarry books - list of books by richard scarry - american generations of children have grown up with books by the late richard scarry, who began his career at golden books in the 1940s his books have sold in the millions all. Richard scarry s busytown eye found it game at magic beans search results. Richard scarry - teaching resources, children s uploaded by theokwhattimeisit on apr 4, 2010 part 2 category: entertainment tags: richard scarry s best abc video ever huckle lowly 2 likes, 0 dislikes. Happy birthday to richard scarry richard scarry s busytown eye found it game by i can do that games available at magic beans free shipping on orders over $99 baby registry, free gift wrap.
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